The National Partnership Agreement on Youth Attainment and Transitions is an agreement between the Australian Government and state and territory governments. The aim of the agreement is to improve educational outcomes for young people and to help them transition successfully from school to further education, training or employment.

The agreement was first established in 2009 and was renewed in 2015 for a further four years. It provides funding for initiatives that support young people in their education and career aspirations. These initiatives include programs that provide career advice and guidance, work experience opportunities, and support for young people who are at risk of disengaging from education.

One of the key objectives of the agreement is to increase the proportion of young people who complete year 12 or an equivalent qualification. This is important for ensuring that young people have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the workforce and to contribute to society more broadly.

The agreement also aims to support young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) to re-engage with education or to find meaningful employment. This is important for ensuring that young people are not left behind and that they can contribute to the economy and society as a whole.

To achieve these objectives, the agreement relies on a collaborative approach between the Australian Government and state and territory governments. This involves working together to identify the needs of young people in each state and territory, and to develop initiatives that respond to these needs.

Overall, the National Partnership Agreement on Youth Attainment and Transitions is an important initiative that provides much-needed support for young people in Australia. By improving education outcomes and supporting successful transitions to further education, training or employment, the agreement is helping to build a stronger and more resilient workforce and society.

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