Don’t let the cockroaches and flies take over your home – different pest control methods to keep them at bay!

You don’t have to be afraid of cockroaches or flies taking over your home; there are plenty of pest control methods out there to help you get rid of them in an eco-friendly way! From physical pest repellents like mothballs to botanical remedies that smell better than roach spray, here’s the lowdown on how to get rid of pests in your house without using harsh chemicals or pesticides.

Natural pests control

Termites are one of the most common pests in homes. They’re also one of the most destructive. Their infestation can lead to structural damage and potential water damage, as they chew through wood and paper products. These pests are difficult to get rid of on your own, so it’s important that you contact a professional for help. There are natural ways to prevent termite attacks like using insecticides with fipronil or boric acid but these treatments can only provide up to 2 years of protection before another treatment is needed.

Exterminator services

One option is hiring a professional exterminator. Most companies offer monthly service where they’ll come out to spray, inspect for any problems in the house, and make repairs if necessary. Another popular option is doing it yourself by buying chemical pesticides from a hardware store or garden supply shop. This can be more affordable than hiring an exterminator but only if you’re confident that you know what you’re doing when it comes to handling chemicals. It’s also important that you wear the proper protection (pesticide-resistant gloves, safety goggles) so you don’t risk poisoning yourself or others.
Another choice is using devices that use electricity, heat, or sound waves (called electronic pest repellents) which are placed around your home as a barrier to deter pests from entering your property.

DIY solutions

There are a lot of DIY solutions you can use to combat pests in your house. If you have an infestation, these usually work best. You can place food and insecticide in a jar with holes poked in the lid, or set up sticky traps near a problem area. For spider webs, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the web – spiders will rebuild it overnight so you’ll need to do it every day for about two weeks until they move on. If you’re more of an outdoors person, try spraying plants with water from a garden hose or put down diatomaceous earth (DE) around the base of plants that are susceptible to slugs or snails.

The DE will kill them as they crawl across it. Another good way to get rid of slugs is to cut open their favorite hiding spot and pour salt inside. When you notice ants crawling along the walls, kitchen cabinets, etc., mix equal parts sugar and borax together into a bowl. Ants love sugar so they will be attracted to it and then the borax will dissolve in their stomachs when they eat it.

Hygienic Control

The practice or principles of keeping yourself and your environment clean in order to maintain health and prevent pest invasions. Good hygiene lowers your risk of pests coming inside your home and spreading diseases through viruses and bacteria. Some easy steps to take to maintain hygiene include proper sewage disposal, removing dirt and filth before it accumulates, and cleaning all surfaces after eating. Food must be stored in containers with a tight seal. Check the internal and external walls for holes and cracks and seal if found. Declutter and remove unnecessary items. Most pests avoid places that are hygienic as if present fewer feeding or breeding options.

Biological Pest Control

Biological control or biocontrol is a method of controlling pests such as insects, mites, weeds, and plant diseases using other organisms. Natural enemies of insects play an important role in limiting the densities of potential pests. These natural enemies include predators, Parasitoid, and pathogens. For example, if you have a rodent problem taking a cat in, will help as cats are natural predators of mice.

Biological control does not work always work. It is usually most effective against exotic pests and less so against native insect pests.



Biological control
It is usually most effective against exotic pests and less so against native insect pests.

Physical pest control

 Physical pest control is a method of getting rid of insects and rodents by killing, removing, or setting up barriers that will prevent further infestation. These methods are used in agriculture and residential units. Physical pest control mainly consists of using traps to catch and remove or kill pests. These include rat traps, fly traps, Cat traps, Insect traps, etc.

Is pest control mandatory in UAE? Yes. The Municipality has now made it mandatory for all commercial and industrial establishments based in the emirate to hire pest control companies only after the municipality’s approval. Pest control companies have also been asked to hire professional and experienced personnel.

 Last year  Sharjah Municipality fined 45 pest control firms after they were caught using prohibited pesticides in homes during inspections, an indication that some pest control firms were still spraying the UAE homes with banned chemicals that can be life-threatening if incorrectly handled. The UAE ministry annually updates the list of banned and controlled pesticides in compliance with the provisions of international conventions and standards set by the European Union and international organizations. APC pest control is a licensed pest control company in UAE.

Chemical control

Chemical pest began as a pesticide created to target pests without targeting other animals or humans. Chemicals have been found that are capable of killing termites, but they can be toxic if you come into contact with them. They are also not too environmentally friendly, so they should be used sparingly. Chemical treatments may also affect the soil, water, or air around you or your property. It is important when using chemical treatments to always read the label so you know exactly what chemicals will be used for which pests.Chemical control of pests probably began with poisonous plant compounds. In the 18th and 19 centuries, farmers ground up certain plants that were toxic to insects or rodents. The most effective and widely used types of pest control are the use of chemical pesticides. Due to their reliability, there are several types of pesticide available to tackle rodent and insect infestations. Regardless of which type of pesticide is being used, it is always important to read and follow the instructions carefully since most of them are highly toxic. Sprays are best used against flying pests and biting pests, such as fleas. Most insects will die within minutes of coming into contact with an insecticide spray, but some stubborn bugs may make you spray the area multiple times before giving up. For professional pest Control advice and treatment do not hesitate to call APC pest control.

Heat treatment

A chemical-free option that has been gaining popularity in the field of pest control. This method is used to deal with infestations of bed bugs and other crawling pests. During a heat treatment service, the infected area will be gradually heated to a temperature of 55-60 degree Celsius. As most pests can’t survive such temperatures they die or scatter. Heat treatment is a safe and Eco-friendly approach to getting rid of bed bugs in just one treatment. Unlike other methods, heat penetrates deep into the tiniest cracks and crevices, leaving bugs nowhere to hide.

Chemical control of pests
Unlike other methods, heat penetrates deep into the tiniest cracks and crevices, leaving bugs nowhere to hide.